Infusion #4 going in as I type.
This is very exciting, as our goal all along was to get in 4-6 cycles of traditional chemo. The major clinical trial was conducted with TCH x 6, followed by Herceptin for a year, however, more recently presented data suggests that 4 cycles is non-inferior to 6 cycles, and so, in my mind, I consider 4 a must and 6 ideal. But the great news is that I reached the minimum goal!
Back on the allergy unit again, which, while
painfully slow, is honestly not that bad. For the second time in a row, I was
able to avoid the high-dose steroids that are the worst part of the regimen for
me. I would say the second worst part is the neulasta, followed by poor wound healing
and a funny taste. The other symptoms are manageable. At this point, I have
most of them under control with over-the-counter and complimentary- and-alternative medicine strategies.
As for how things have gone, each infusion has
gotten easier. The first was definitely the hardest, mostly due to dread
(as my very wise Godmother reminded me, the dread of something is often worse
than the reality! And this has definitely been the case for chemo and me). It was also hard because I did not know how
to manage the symptoms that come with chemotherapy, and so my pre-and
post-infusion protocol has gotten better with each round. Second was better
than first, third better than second, and I am hoping fourth better than third.
And the really exciting thing?....
My hair
is growing back!!
(And, in one of the greatest comebacks in sports, the Americans won 8 in a row to keep the cup home!)
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